Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions.pdf
Terms and Conditions Electronic Banking Services.pdf
Transaction Cards
Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions.pdf
Terms and Conditions Electronic Banking Services.pdf
Transaction Cards
Please note: This information is a marketing communication that has been prepared by Schelhammer Capital for informational purposes only. It was not prepared in compliance with the legislation designed to promote the independence of financial analyses and is not subject to the prohibition on trade following the publication of financial analyses. This document does not constitute a financial analysis, investment recommendation or investment advice. You are not receiving an offer to conclude a contract for investment services or ancillary services, nor are you receiving a request to make an offer to conclude a contract for investment services or ancillary services. If this communication refers to products that are subject to the obligation to provide a prospectus according to the capital market regulations, under no circumstances does this information replace the prospectus published by the respective issuers. All capital investments are associated with risks. It is possible that it may lead to a total loss of the capital invested. Since not all transactions are suitable for all investors, investors should consult their own advisors before concluding a contract (in particular legal and tax advisors).
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