Address / contact
Head office: 1010 Wien, Goldschmiedgasse 3-5,
Phone: +43 1 534 34-0 (operator)
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday 8.30 - 16.00
+43 1 534 34 8065
Declaration pursuant to § 65a of the Austrian Banking Act (BWG)
Business purpose
Banking pursuant to
§ 1 para. 1 clause 1 Austrian Banking Act (BWG)
Accepting foreign monies for administration or as a deposit (deposit transactions)
§ 1 para. 1 clause 2 BWG
Carrying out cash-less payment transactions and settlement transactions on a current account basis for others (giro transactions)
§ 1 para. 1 clause 3 BWG
Concluding loan contracts and providing loans (credit transactions)
§ 1 para. 1 clause 4 BWG
Purchasing cheques and bills of exchange, in particular discounting bills of exchange (discount transactions)
§ 1 para. 1 clause 5 BWG
Safeguarding and administering securities for others (securities transactions)
§ 1 para. 1 clause 6 BWG
Issuing and administering means of payment such as credit cards and travellers’ cheques
§ 1 para. 1 clause 7 BWG
Trading for its own account or that of another in a) foreign currencies (foreign exchange business); b) money market instruments; c) futures contracts including equivalent instruments with cash payment and purchase and sale options for the instruments cited in lit. a and d to f including equivalent instruments with cash payment (forward and options transactions); d) forward rate agreements (FRA), interest and currency swaps and swaps on intrinsic values or on share indices (“equity swaps”); e) securities; f) instruments derived from lit. b to e;
§ 1 para. 1 clause 8 BWG
The assumption of obligations, guarantees and other liabilities for others, provided that the assumed obligations are based on cash payments (guarantee transactions)
§ 1 para. 1 clause 10 BWG
The issuance of other securities at fixed interest rates for investing the proceeds in other banking transactions (other securities issuance transactions)
§ 1 para. 1 clause 11 BWG
Participation in the issuance by third parties of one or several of the instruments listed in clause 7 lit. b to f and the associated services (loro investment transactions)
§ 1 para. 1 clause 15 BWG
Financing transactions through the acquisition of shares and their resale (capital financing transactions)
§ 1 para. 1 clause 16 BWG
The purchase of claims from the delivery of goods or services, the assumption of the risk of recoverability of such claims – with the exclusion of credit insurance – and, in this context, the collection of such claims (factoring transactions)
§ 1 para. 1 clause 17 BWG
The operation of money broker transactions in the interbank market.
§ 1 para. 1 clause 18 BWG
The mediation of transactions pursuant to a) clause 1, excluding by contract insurance companies; b) clause 3, excluding brokerage of mortgage and personal credits carried out in the context of the real estate broker and personal credit, mortgage, and asset management trades; c) clause 7 lit. a, insofar as it regards foreign exchange transactions; d) clause 8;
§ 1 para. 1 clause 20 BWG
The issuance of electronic money (e-money business)
Wirtschaftskammer Österreich Bundessparte Bank und Versicherung
1045 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
Verband österreichischer Banken & Bankiers
1010 Wien, Börsegasse 11
Einlagensicherung der AUSTRIA Gesellschaft m.b.H.
1010 Wien, Wipplingerstrasse 34/4
Gemeinsame Schlichtungsstelle der Österreichischen Kreditwirtschaft
1045 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
Supervisory authority
Financial Market Authority (FMA)
1090 Wien, Otto-Wagner-Platz 5
The most important legal foundations
Austrian Federal Banking Act (Bundesgesetz über das Bankwesen (Bankwesengesetz – BWG), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) No. 532/1993 as amended.
Austrian Federal Law from 22 October 1969 on the safeguarding and purchase of securities (Bundesgesetz vom 22. Oktober 1969 über die Verwahrung und Anschaffung von Wertpapieren (Depotgesetz)) BGBl. No. 424/1969 as amended.
Austrian Federal Law on the remote sale of financial services to consumers (Bundesgesetz über den Fernabsatz von Finanzdienstleistungen an Verbraucher (Fern-Finanzdienstleistungs-Gesetz – FernFinG)) BGBl I 2004/62
Legal notice & data protection
You can find our information sheet pursuant to Art. 13 and 14 GDPR here.
You can find our privacy policy at:
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All the contents on this website are protected by copyright. Texts, images, illustrations, sounds, animations and videos are protected by copyright law and other intellectual property laws. The contents may not be copied, distributed, changed or made accessible to third parties for commercial reasons. Every use, in particular saving in databases, multiplication, distribution, processing and every from of commercial use as well as transmission to third parties – even in part or in edited form – without the prior consent of the operator or copyright holder is prohibited.
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The use of this website is at your own risk. We make no guarantees for its constant availability or for the published contributions, offers and services in terms of their correctness, completeness and functionality. The guarantee is in accordance with the legal provisions. Any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded. This website and the services associated with it are operated with a view to utmost care, reliability and availability. Due to technical reasons, however, it is not possible for these services to be available without interruption, for the desired connections to always be established or for saved data to be maintained under all conditions. Constant availability can therefore not be assured. IP connectivity to other network operators is established to the extent possible. Any liability for problems whose causes lie in the networks of third parties is excluded. The use of other networks is subject to the terms of use of the respective operators. In the event of force majeure, strikes, restrictions to the services of other network operators or repair and maintenance work, restrictions or interruptions may occur, for which we assume no liability. The website may contain links to websites of other providers whose content is not necessarily authorised or controlled by the media owner. The media owner accepts no liability for the content of websites of other providers.
The Bank reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided here without prior announcement.
Disclosure under the Media Act
The Bank is the medium owner
Declaration on the basic orientation:
- presentation of the Bank
- information and links to the products, applications and services offered by the Bank
You can find details of the company structure and the boards of directors and supervisory boards of individual companies here:
Disclosure pursuant to § 25 Media Act
Offenlegung zur Mitwirkungspolitik
Offenlegung nach der Offenlegungsverordnung (Sustainable Finance)
Offenlegung Nachhaltigkeit.pdf
Durchführungspolitik der Bank iZm dem Handel von Finanzinstrumenten
The information provided here is advertising material.
The information is neither a recommendation nor an offer nor an invitation to make an offer to buy or sell financial instruments. Depending on the specific structure of the product, securities represent a variously high investment risk.
The information serves as additional information for our investors and is based on the level of knowledge of the persons entrusted with its creation. Our presentations, analyses and conclusions are of a general nature and do not consider the individual needs of our investors with regard to yield, tax situation or appetite for risk.
They do not constitute an investment recommendation. The value trends and example calculations presented here do not allow reliable conclusions to be drawn about future developments.
Full information (basic brochure, terms and conditions) on the products of Schelhammer Capital Bank AG is available at the head office of the issuer (Goldschmiedgasse 3, 1010 Vienna) during normal opening hours.
Depending on the specific structure of the product, investment funds represent a variously high investment risk. Performance is calculated according to the OeKB method, based on data from the deposit bank. The past performance of a security does not allow reliable conclusions to be drawn about future developments. Commissions, charges and other fees (e.g. one-time transaction or trading fees) may have a negative effect on the presented gross value development. It is expressly pointed out that the composition of the Fund's assets may change in line with the statutory regulations. Funds may show increased fluctuations in value – please note the reference to increased volatility in the prospectus (especially in the case of equity funds). The tax treatment depends on the personal situation and may be subject to future changes.
The (German-language) prospectuses of the mentioned funds in their current version, including all amendments since the initial announcement, as well as key investor information (customer information document - “CID”) are available free of charge to interested parties from Security Kapitalanlage AG, Burgring 16, 8010 Graz and Schelhammer Capital Bank AG, Goldschmiedgasse 3, 1010 Vienna. Prospectuses can also be viewed at
Every capital investment involves risks; detailed information on risks can be found in the current prospectus. You can also find information on investor rights in German as well as information on opportunities and risks at Anlegerinformationen - Security Kapitalanlage AG.
Received distinctions (prizes, awards etc.) do not allow conclusions to be drawn about their future maintenance or the fulfilment of the preconditions existing for this maintenance. This information/marketing communication does not contain financial analyses and has not been prepared in compliance with the legal provisions promoting the independence of financial analyses. It is therefore also not subject to the prohibition on trade following the publication of financial analyses. The information presented here was researched carefully. However, its creator cannot assume any liability for its correctness, completeness, up-to-date nature or exactness. Errors and misprints reserved.